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Copper Wire Properties

Wire size, AWG Current-carrying, amp (2 or 3 wires in cable or raceway) Area cir. mils Weight of bare wire, lb/1,000 ft Resistance ohms/1,000 ft, 20°C Current-carrying capacity, amp (single wire in open air)
14 15 4,107 12.43 2.58 20.0
12 30 6,530 17.77 1.62 25.0
10 30 10,380 31.43 1.02 40.0
8 40 16,510 49.98 0.641 55.0
6 55 26,250 79.46 0.410 80.0
4 70 41,740 126.4 0.259 105.0
3 80 52,640 159.3 0.205 120.0
2 95 66,370 200.9 0.162 140.0
1 110 83,690 253.3 0.129 165.0
0 125 105,500 319.5 0.102 195.0
00 145 133,100 402.8 0.081 225.0
000 165 167,800 507.9 0.064 260.0
0000 195 211,600 640.5 0.051 300.0
Wire Size = 215 250,000 772.0 0.043 340.0
Area, Cir Mils 240 300,000 926.0 0.036 375.0
260 350,000 - 0.031 420.0
280 400,000 - 0.027 455.0
320 500,000 - 0.022 515.0

*For types T, R, TW, and RW insulations.
